Zurich Insurance
To review the current Managed Print Services Global Agreement to understand how the service was performing, against the contractual requirements within each region, leading to standardising the solutions framework into a single EMEA/Global deal.
Project Objectives and Strategy
Standardize the solutions framework into a single EMEA/Global deal based on whole volume, not a regionally/locally negotiated solution.
Align rates/charges (lowest in use), across all devices/models, to provide saving opportunities.
To align device rental/lease costs across all locations
To rationalise the current device fleet
Following the completion of the review exercise, which included liaising with the global leads from Zurich Insurance and the incumbent service provider, an agreement was reached for both parties to work together to realise the goal of a standard global framework for managed print services.
To support this vision, we worked with both parties to:
Review operational and commercial relationships.
Align contract renewals.
Negotiated standardised lease costs and copy/click charges.
Set the framework around contract governance.
The result of this process was provision of a single Global framework agreement which provided, service and operational consistency, whilst achieving significant cost savings.
Project Overview (Integrated Facilities Management Contract)
To review the Zurich UK IFM contract, in particularly Mechanical and Electrical (Building Management Services) and Cleaning (Janitorial Services). To Identify Best Practice initiatives and look to implement within the Zurich UK IFM contract.
Project Objectives and Strategy
Cleaning (Janitorial Services)
Review the opportunity to move from an Input (Specific) specification to an Output (Open/Zonal) based specification.
Review the specification and productivity levels and work towards the standards and productivity guidelines of the British Institute of Cleaning Sciences (BICS) as a minimum requirement.
Mechanical and Electrical (M&E)
Review productivity and Labour usage of dedicated (Zurich account) Engineers and Handymen to deploy in a more productive flexible manner.
Review the PPM (Pre-Planned Maintenance) % and Reactive % schedules currently at (56% PPM and 44% Reactive) to move them towards Industry Best Practice (as specified by BSRIA - The Building Services Research and Information Association), of PPM: 80% and Reactive: 20%.
Review how the incumbent use the Facilities Helpdesk system and CAFM software deploy Labour resource on the Zurich Account in line with required Zurich SLA (Service Level Agreements) and KPI's.
Review the Low Value order threshold of <Pound 500/1000, to establish if an average order value would work more efficiently and effectively for the incumbent on the Zurich account.
Following meetings with key stakeholders and a review/audit of the IFM service, several areas were identified for revised service delivery provision along with cost saving opportunities.
We undertook negotiations with the incumbent supplier to review recommendations and drive the revisions identified to align FM service provision and commercial management, to meet client expectations.
Revisions to the IFM contract were agreed, with client and incumbent stakeholders, leading to the realignment of the IFM contract, achieving a leaner delivery model, scope delivery improvements and major cost savings.