(FM Service Review)
Following an approach by their incumbent FM provider for increases in resource levels and costs we received an instruction from Experian to undertake an audit/review of their existing UK FM partner against the scope of works that had originally been tendered.
We undertook an analysis of tendered versus delivered work, against the scope deliverables contained within the contract. This included holding workshops with the client and incumbent stakeholders, industry benchmarking, and a detailed review of the service delivery measurement process.
Review of the incumbent management structure.
In depth review of the Performance Management System, including the specific SLA’s (Service Level Agreements) and KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) applied to the measurement process.
Assessment of the compliance and quality of the cleaning service against contractual specifications.
The information gathered from the review process led to the following conclusions:
The management structure was over resourced.
The level of cleaning resource on the account was sufficient to deliver the required service.
A revision to the whole Performance Measurement Process was required to ensure the areas which have a direct impact, on service delivery and customer satisfaction, were given increased focus.
We supported Experian to implement the above which delivered a leaner service delivery model, and cost saving opportunities.